December 17, 2018
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
DECEMBER 14, 2018 COTTON FUTURE TRADE IN TIGHT RANGE THROUGHOUT WEEK          WASDE Report Released Export Report Showed Slow Demand China Rolls Back Retaliatory Tariffs Fatigue (...)
February 18, 2019
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
October 20, 2018
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
July 23, 2018
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
JULY 20, 2018 LOW TRADING VOLUME KEEPS FUTURES IN NARROW RANGE Hot, Dry Conditions Take a Toll Demand for Physical Cotton Remains Strong Volatile Foreign (...)
August 19, 2019
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
AUGUST 16, 2019 COTTON FUTURES UP SLIGHTLY WASDE Report Shows Consumption Slowing Crop Conditions Slightly Improving Export Report Shows Many Countries Buying U.S. Cotton Classing (...)
August 6, 2018
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
October 19, 2019
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
June 3, 2019
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
MAY 31, 2019 FUTURES FALTER AT WEEK’S END July Closes at 68.08, December Closes at 67.07 Planting Accelerates as Insurance Planting Dates Loom Weather Making (...)
November 19, 2018
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
NOVEMBER 16, 2018  LACK OF DEMAND SENDS MARKET LOWER December Cotton Falls to Lowest Level Since February Export Sales Volume Continues to Disappoint Harvest Weather (...)
June 25, 2018
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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