Tag: Pink Bollworm

Tag: Pink Bollworm

October 20, 2018
USDA: Pink Bollworm Is No Longer an Economic Threat
In an October 19 announcement in Washington, DC, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue proclaimed that “U.S. cotton is free – after more than 100 years – (...)
August 9, 2017
Pink Bollworm Strikes Cotton Crop In Gujarat
July 23, 2019
Pink Bollworm Versus Bt Cotton: Three Countries, Three Results
August 1, 2018
Pink bollworm attacks cotton crop in Vidarbha, Marathwada
The pink bollworm has again attacked cotton plants in Maharashtra this year, causing concern among farmers and the government. The pest had caused largescale damage (...)
November 17, 2017
INDIA: Pink bollworm may eat up half of Maharashtra’s cotton crop
Warning of unprecedented loss, experts call for quick action to curb spread The State is staring at an unprecedented loss of cotton crop this year, (...)
March 21, 2018
India's cotton plantings to fall as pest dents farmers' income
July 24, 2019
ΡΟΔΟΠΗ: Δελτίο Προειδοποιήσεων για το σκουλήκι
March 13, 2018
Pink Bollworm Driving India Cotton Estimates Down
By: Dr. Seshadri Ramkumar Pink bollworm infestation is pushing cotton production estimates down in India this year (October 2017-September 2018), due to crop damage in (...)
August 2, 2018
Δελτίο Γεωργικών Προειδοποιήσεων για τη Ροδόπη
Το δεύτερο Δελτίο Γεωργικών Προειδοποιήσεων με στόχο την ενημέρωση των βαμβακοπαραγωγών της Ροδόπης για την έγκαιρη και αποτελεσματική φυτοπροστασία της καλλιέργειας του βαμβακιού, εξέδωσε το (...)
March 21, 2018
India emerges as surprise ag market mover, lifting cotton

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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