Cotton news

Cotton News

August 17, 2005
THRAKIKA: 10 Years Organic Cotton Production
ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ ΤΥΠΟΥ ΘΡΑΚΙΚΑ ΕΚΚΟΚΙΣΤΗΡΙΑ: Δέκα χρόνια στην παραγωγή βιολογικού βαμβακιού Από το 1995 συμμετέχουν τα ΘΡΑΚΙΚΑ ΕΚΚΟΚΙΣΤΗΡΙΑ στην παραγωγή βιολογικού βαμβακιού καθοδηγώντας τους αγρότες στην (...)
August 16, 2005
Tendencies and developments in the textile industry
September 17, 2017
Big Data for Best Results
November 3, 2018
Προβλέψεις για την ισοτιμία Ευρώ/Δολάριο
ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Τα νούμερα αυτά δεν είναι παρά μόνο οι προβλέψεις των διαφόρων εταιρειών που ασχολούνται χρηματιστηριακά με το συνάλλαγμα. Άρα θα πρέπει να αντιμετωπίζονται με (...)
September 16, 2017
DTN Cotton Close: Meanders to Mostly Lower Finish
Mills boosted their unpriced on-call sales to a record 13.1 million bales. World cotton stocks outside China projected up nearly 30% from 2016-17 and 20% (...)
September 16, 2017
Cleveland on Cotton: WASDE Left Market Spinning from Highest Ever World Supply to Use Ratio
September 16, 2017
Rose on Cotton: The September WASDE Report was ‘Unbelievable’
September 16, 2017
Shurley: Cotton Makes a Hard Landing
By: Dr. Don Shurley Apparently, USDA’s September numbers took the market by surprise. I don’t quite understand why that should have been the case, but (...)
September 16, 2017
Thompson on Cotton: USDA Raises Production, Doesn’t Account for Harvey, Irma
By Jeff Thompson, Autauga Quality Cotton Association ©Debra L Ferguson Stock Photography Relentless, USDA delivers another sucker punch with a very bearish September supply and (...)
September 16, 2017
Cotton Outlook: World Production Projected Highest in 5 Years

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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