Cotton news

Cotton News

January 7, 2010
Cotton outlook strengthens
Cotton appears poised to buy back at least some of the acres the crop lost over the past three years. Whether it does depends on (...)
January 7, 2010
Economy, supply buoy cotton prices
January 7, 2010
DJ ICE Cotton Review: Rebounds To Hold Key 73-Cent Level
January 5, 2010
Cotton: Building a Better Plant
This is another beautifully written and produced video about plant research. The lucky plant? This time, it's cotton -- what jeans and t-shirts are made (...)
January 5, 2010
Quality remains crucial factor for continued cotton export success
Quality continues to be the key for keeping U.S. cotton competitive in a global market and anything the industry can do to develop better varieties (...)
January 5, 2010
ICAC Press Release, January 4, 2010
January 5, 2010
January 5, 2010
DJ ICE Cotton Review: 16-Month High Capped By Grower Selling
ICE futures U.S. cotton charged to a 16-month high Monday as strong fundamentals sent funds in to buy the soft commodity, but selling late in (...)
October 17, 2008
ΧΡΟΝΟΣ¨Σε τιμές «πείνας» η φετινή σοδειά του βαμβακιού
Με τιμές «πείνας» για τους παραγωγούς, μειωμένες κατά 11 λεπτά σε σχέση με πέρυσι, ξεκίνησε η εισκόμιση των ποιοτικών βαμβακιών και στη Ροδόπη. Στα 29 (...)
June 3, 2008
ΚΕΡΔΟΣ: "Πρόσω" για συνάντηση κλωστοϋφαντουργίας - φωτοβολταϊκών

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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