Cotton news

Cotton News

November 23, 2022
Shurley: Cotton Prices Improve but Still Struggle
By Dr. Don Shurley Cotton prices have rebounded from the low of 72 cents back on Oct. 31. December futures are now back over 80 cents, (...)
November 22, 2022
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Closes Limit Down
November 22, 2022
MAMBO Market Report, November 21st 2022
November 22, 2022
PAKISTAN: Cotton imports - prognosis negative
A major slowdown in textile exports is on the cards. Or at least that is the indication from the latest monthly trade report card from (...)
November 22, 2022
Σύγκρουση τεχνικών και θεμελιωδών στοιχείων
Βιώνουµε µια άτυπη µάχη µεταξύ των θεµελιωδών και τεχνικών στοιχείων. Από το κοµµάτι των θεµελιωδών (προσφορά – ζήτηση) τα στοιχεία είναι µάλλον αρνητικά για τις τιµές, αλλά από την πλευρά της τεχνικής ανάλυσης η αγορά προσπαθεί να δοκιµάζει υψηλότερα τιµές.
November 19, 2022
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Lower Friday on China Infections
November 19, 2022
Cleveland: Never Give Up on Cotton
November 19, 2022
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
December Options Keeping Market Activity Interesting
November 19, 2022
The Cotton Marketing Planner
Cotton Market Summary as of Friday, November 18, 2022
November 19, 2022
Cotton Exporter Benin Tries Local Processing to Reduce Climate Emissions

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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