Cotton news

Cotton News

November 30, 2022
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Stays Aloft Tuesday
Keith Brown DTN Contributing Cotton Analyst    After a nervous start, the cotton market did finish higher Tuesday. However, traders are keeping a wary eye (...)
November 30, 2022
Thompson on Cotton: The Anvil Hanging Over the Market
November 29, 2022
Η φετινή χρονιά στο βαμβάκι και οι προοπτικές της καλλιέργειας
November 29, 2022
Πίσω από τη Wall Street τα συµβόλαια βάµβακος
Η αγορά εξακολουθεί να επηρεάζεται περισσότερο από τα µακροοικονοµικά στοιχεία και λιγότερα από τα θεµελιώδη. Μέσα στην εβδοµάδα είχαµε υψηλή µεταβλητότητα µε κινήσεις και προς τις δυο κατευθύνσεις.
November 24, 2022
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton's Two-Sided Trade Ends Higher
Keith Brown DTN Contributing Cotton Analyst    After trading sharply lower Wednesday morning, the cotton market was able to stage a comeback and finished Wednesday's (...)
November 24, 2022
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
November 24, 2022
India's cotton exports stall as farmers delay sales hoping for higher prices
November 23, 2022
Better Cotton brings its practices to southern Chad
Through a partnership with IDH and CotonChad, the group hopes to improve cotton production by targeting smallholder farmers in the south of the country
November 23, 2022
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Finds Reverse, Steps on the Gas
Keith Brown DTN Contributing Cotton Analyst    In a roundabout move, the cotton market shed its bearish attitude of Monday to reveal a more positive (...)
November 23, 2022
Thompson on Cotton: Mixed Signals

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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