Cotton news

Cotton News

October 4, 2022
Thompson on Cotton: Fundamentals Having Little Impact on Market
By Jeff Thompson, Autauga Quality Cotton Cotton dislodged from bolls by heavy rains can still be harvested unless it is washed to the ground. Photo: Kat (...)
October 4, 2022
MAMBO Market Report, October 3rd 2022
October 4, 2022
USA: Crop Progress
October 4, 2022
Υψηλό δολάριο και υποτονική ζήτηση πιέζουν περαιτέρω το βαµβάκι
Γιάννης ΠαπαδογιάννηςΒέβαια, όλα τα εµπορεύµατα και τα χρηµατιστήρια αξιών βρίσκονταν παράλληλα υπό πίεση, οπότε η πτώση ήταν γενικευµένη. Από τη µια µεριά οι αναλυτές θεωρούν (...)
October 3, 2022
Cleveland: A Crash to Remember?
By Dr. O.A. ClevelandThere must be a song or love story about a “September to Remember,” but nothing comes to mind.Historically, there have been crashes (...)
October 1, 2022
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Posts New Low, Ends Up
October 1, 2022
Cotton Heads for Worst Month Since 1986 as Economy Hits Demand
October 1, 2022
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
Futures Markets Suffer Week of Big Losses
October 1, 2022
The Cotton Marketing Planner
Cotton Market Summary as of Friday, September 30, 2022
October 1, 2022
Burkina Faso's MY 2022-23 cotton production may rise by 16%: USDA

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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