Cotton news

Cotton News

September 30, 2022
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Lower on Exports, Dow
Keith Brown DTN Contributing Cotton Analyst    Cotton was sharply lower Thursday amid USDA's poor export sales and a weak Dow Jones. Initially, Thursday's export (...)
September 30, 2022
Indian import of Chinese cotton yarn up after US ban on Xinjiang goods
September 30, 2022
September 29, 2022
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Recovers Higher Wednesday
Keith Brown DTN Contributing Cotton Analyst    After posting new lows for the move, cotton reversed to finish materially higher Wednesday. In conjunction with its (...)
September 28, 2022
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Reverses on Earlier Gains
Keith Brown DTN Contributing Cotton Analyst    The cotton market was lower Tuesday, losing an earlier 3.00-cent gain. The decline happened despite the fact Hurricane (...)
September 28, 2022
Προ των πυλών η πίεση στο χρηµατιστηριακό πριµ
September 27, 2022
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Sharply Down on Dollar
September 27, 2022
COTTON SPIN: More cotton supply surprises
The U.S. 2022/23 crop cotton balance sheet saw surprisingly large additions to U.S. all cotton production in the September WASDE compared to August.
September 27, 2022
MAMBO Market Report, September 26th 2022
The fashion trend of 2022/23 is confirmed, it is the "brown shirt" Europe, against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, is returning to its (...)
September 27, 2022
Thompson on Cotton: Caught in Crossfire Between Demand and Inflation

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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