Cotton news

Cotton News

November 27, 2021
Cotton:  Net sales of 196,900 RB for 2021/2022 were up 44 percent from the previous week and 3 percent from the prior 4-week average.  Increases primarily (...)
November 27, 2021
Ethiopia edges closer to multiplying GMO Cotton seeds
November 25, 2021
DTN Cotton Close: Slightly Higher on Muted Volume
November 24, 2021
DTN Cotton Close: Lower, but Pares Losses
By Keith Brown, DTN Contributing Cotton Analyst The cotton market was able to stage a small recovery and reduce its triple-digit losses by the close Tuesday. (...)
November 24, 2021
Increased cotton production in Pakistan to boost consumption
Pakistan’s cotton consumption is likely to increase in the upcoming market year (MY) as cotton production is increasing due to excellent conditions during harvest and (...)
November 23, 2021
DTN Cotton Close: Market Ends Day Lower
November 23, 2021
Thompson on Cotton: Market Remains Strong Among Rising Economic Concerns
November 23, 2021
CCFGroup: 2021/22 Xinjiang cotton quality improves obviously
By Oct 31, 2021, ginning volumes of 2021/22 Xinjiang cotton totaled 1.5306 million tons, and inspection volumes totaled 1.1058 million tons, down 18% year on (...)
November 23, 2021
Νέα υψηλά στο βαµβάκι για τις τιµές συµβολαίων Μαρτίου
Η ζήτηση στη φυσική αγορά εξακολουθεί να είναι δυνατή, όπως επίσης και η ολοένα αυξανόµενη επιστροφή των καταναλωτών προς τα προϊόντα από φυσικές ίνες.
November 23, 2021
Japanese apparel firms halt use of Xinjiang cotton

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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