Cotton news

Cotton News

June 5, 2021
Cotton:  Net sales of 180,800 RB for 2020/2021 were up 6 percent from the previous week and 82 percent from the prior 4-week average.  Increases were (...)
June 5, 2021
Επενδύουν στο ποιοτικό βαμβάκι και φέτος τα Θρακικά Εκκοκκιστήρια
June 4, 2021
DTN Cotton Close: Market Ends Slightly Higher
June 4, 2021
REUTERS: Cotton edges up
NEW YORK: ICE cotton futures ticked up on Thursday as focus turned to a robust demand outlook for the natural fibre ahead of a federal (...)
June 4, 2021
C&A Exasperated With BCI’s Xinjiang Equivocation. Who’s Next?
By Jasmin Malik ChuaThe Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) has continued to be evasive on the issue of forced labor in China’s cotton-rich Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, and C&A, for one, (...)
June 3, 2021
DTN Cotton Close: Corrects Slightly Lower
June 3, 2021
REUTERS: Cotton eases off peak
June 3, 2021
Cotton Outlook: May 2021 Market Summary
International cotton prices moved lower throughout most of May, in tandem with a sharp decline in ICE futures, before regaining some ground late in the (...)
June 2, 2021
Fashion brands failing to safeguard supply chain workers
The latest KnowTheChain benchmark found that on average, companies did not score even 50% in their efforts to address some of the worst forms of (...)
June 2, 2021
Οι βροχοπτώσεις στο Τέξας δυσκολεύουν την ανοδική αντίδραση

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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