April 21, 2020
Σωστός χρόνος σποράς
Παρακολουθήστε τη θερμοκρασία εδάφους για να πετύχετε το σωστό χρόνο σποράς και καλλιέργειας του βαμβακιού.
April 21, 2020
DTN Cotton Close: Higher Despite Bizarre Oil Trade
April 21, 2020
Shurley: Strategies and a Less Risky Outlook with CFAP
April 21, 2020
Thompson on Cotton: Market Shrugged Off Negative News – Are Its Shoulders Still Flexible?
By Jeff Thompson, Autauga Quality Cotton Last week’s economic data was not kind to cotton. March retail figures indicated clothing sales were down 50 percent and (...)
April 21, 2020
China cotton consumption and stock assessment in Mar, 2020
In Mar, more downstream plants resume operation. Despite of export order cancellation in mid-Mar, plants have not curtail production or suspended operation immediately. Operating rate (...)
April 21, 2020
USA: Crop Progress
April 21, 2020
Cairo Cotton suspends manufacturing brands like Levi’s, Decathlon amid coronavirus
April 18, 2020
DTN Cotton Close: Ends Friday Slightly Up
By Keith Brown, DTN Cotton Correspondent The cotton market ended its Friday session mixed with old crop contracts slightly lower, while new crop fractionally higher. This (...)
April 18, 2020
Cleveland: Cotton’s Price Story Continues to Improve
Dr. O.A. Cleveland Cotton’s price run continued all week, with the old crop July futures contract closing at 53.15 and the new crop December futures contract (...)
April 18, 2020
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly