April 1, 2020
DTN Cotton Close: Up Despite Bearish Data
By Keith Brown, DTN Cotton Correspondent The cotton market finished slightly higher Tuesday despite what was taken as bearish planting intentions from USDA. For some time (...)
April 1, 2020
Cotton slumps to near 11-year low
April 1, 2020
Believe It or Not: USDA Prospective Plantings Project 13.7 Million Cotton Acres
April 1, 2020
Correlation between Stock Markets and Cotton Futures
Author: Tyson Raper, Cotton & Small Grains Specialist No Comments*Posted on behalf of Dr. Aaron Smith. A pdf of this article can be accessed by clicking (...)
April 1, 2020
Cotton prices, COVID-19 and stock market closely related
Probably the most effected of the agricultural commodities is cotton.
April 1, 2020
Την Τετάρτη 1 Απριλίου διοργανώνουν τηλεδιάσκεψη τα Θρακικά Εκκοκκιστήρια με τους βαμβακοπαραγωγούς της Θράκης
March 31, 2020
DTN Cotton Close: Sinks Under Fifty, but Ends Mixed
March 31, 2020
Thompson On Cotton: A Somber Start To Planting Season
By Jeff Thompson, Autauga Quality Cotton Association I have written countless ag newsletters in my 40-plus year career, but never in such an uncertain, threatening environment (...)
March 31, 2020
Liu On Cotton: Weighing Whether To Take The LDP
By Yangxuan Liu, Economist, University of Georgia Along with the life-and-death struggle and the rising cases of COVID-19, financial markets worldwide have lurched lower. The selloff (...)
March 31, 2020
Volatile 2020 Cotton Outlook