Cotton news

Cotton News

June 14, 2019
China cotton association to request waiver from import tariffs on U.S. uncombed cotton
BEIJING, June 13 (Reuters) - The China Cotton Association will submit an application on behalf of its members for a waiver on import duties on (...)
June 14, 2019
Στην Κίνα τα Θρακικά Εκκοκκιστήρια
June 14, 2019
EURATEX: A new leadership team with an ambitious agenda
June 14, 2019
Στη Σανγκάη για το πιστοποιημένο βαμβάκι τα Θρακικά Εκκοκιστήρια
ΕΤΗΣΙΟ ΠΑΓΚΟΣΜΙΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΒΑΜΒΑΚΙΟΥ Έγιναν πάρα πολλά ειδικά πάνελ, για επιμέρους ζητήματα όπου μέρος πήραν και οι Θρακιώτες εκκοκιστές Πριν λίγη ώρα έληξε το ετήσιο (...)
June 13, 2019
DTN Cotton Close: Market Works Off Over-Sold Condition
By Keith Brown DTN Cotton Correspondent The cotton market was strongly higher Wednesday as the market began to work-off its oversold condition. When any market (...)
June 13, 2019
Global Markets: Cotton – Good Start to China State Reserve Sales
June 13, 2019
Feature: Chinese textile company brings new life to Tajikistan's cotton industry
June 13, 2019
Australian cotton prices facing decline as global pressure is felt
Australian cotton prices could be set to see a decline in the coming 12 months as global pressures begin to be felt in the local (...)
June 13, 2019
Cotton by-products promise opportunities for Africa
Value-add in cotton industry in Southern and Eastern Africa can help diversify regional economy By Chantélle Hartebeest Cotton by-products hold valuable opportunities for farmers in (...)
June 13, 2019
Swaziland finds success with GMO cotton

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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