Cotton news

Cotton News

November 10, 2023
REUTERS: Cotton pares gains after USDA projects higher US production
Nov 9 (Reuters) -ICE cotton futures slightly pared gains on Thursday after the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) projected higher U.S. output and ending stocks for (...)
November 10, 2023
Cotton Highlights from November WASDE Report
November 10, 2023
November 9, 2023
COTTON SPIN: Call options for post harvest hedging
Growers who choose to store their cotton and wait for high prices may want to consider a common hedging strategy.
November 9, 2023
Έντονος προβληµατισµός κατόπιν της χρηµατιστηριακής πτώσης
Το βαµβάκι δοκιµάζει τα χαµηλά του επίπεδα σπάζοντας ακόµα και το οχυρό των 80 σεντς ανά λίµπρα, τιµές που είχε να φτάσει πάνω από τέσσερις µήνες.
November 9, 2023
REUTERS: Cotton sheds over 1%, WASDE report in focus
November 8, 2023
REUTERS: Cotton hits six-month low on China demand concerns
November 8, 2023
Barchart: Cotton Sets New Lows for the Move
Alan Brugler Another session of triple digit losses left cotton futures below their June lows. The front month futures were down by 92 to 155 (...)
November 8, 2023
Indian cotton production to be 6% lower this year
The total consumption by textile mills is expected to be 294 lakh bales compared with 295 lakh bales last season
November 7, 2023
REUTERS: Cotton slips to four-month low on speculative selling, demand woes

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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