Cotton news

Cotton News

November 18, 2023
Cleveland: A Better Week, as Lower Cotton Prices Lift Exports
By Dr. O.A. ClevelandCotton prices held the line in weekly trading as last week’s low prices encouraged good export sales. That, coupled with government released (...)
November 18, 2023
PCCA: Cotton Market Weekly
November 18, 2023
Brazil farmers forced to replace soy with cotton as dry weather takes toll
November 17, 2023
REUTERS: ICE cotton eases as lower oil prices offset strong export sales data
Nov 16 (Reuters) -ICE cotton futures edged lower on Thursday as a retreat in oil prices overshadowed support from a strong weekly export sales report.* The (...)
November 17, 2023
Cotton:  Net sales of 328,300 RB for 2023/2024 were down 17 percent from the previous week, but up 18 percent from the prior 4-week average. (...)
November 17, 2023
Παπαδογιάννης: Η χρηµατιστηριακή πτώση έχει φέρει µεγάλο προβληµατισµό στην αγορά µας
November 16, 2023
REUTERS: ICE cotton steady with focus on export sales data
November 16, 2023
COTTON SPIN: Sliding into a more static market
USDA is zeroing in on the final estimate of U.S. cotton production for the 2023 crop. Since August, those monthly adjustments have been shrinking. How will that impact cotton prices?
November 15, 2023
REUTERS: ICE cotton gains nearly 3% on softer dollar, wider market gains
Nov 14 (Reuters) -ICE cotton futures rose nearly 3% on Tuesday, driven bya weaker dollar and strength in the wider financial and oil markets.* The second-month March contract CTc2rose (...)
November 15, 2023
Taking a closer look at U.S. organic cotton production

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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