Tag: Area

Tag: Area

April 10, 2019
COTTON SPIN: Puzzling prospective plantings
USDA's planting prospective report unexpectedly low. John Robinson USDA’s benchmark Prospective Plantings report came in unexpectedly low at 13.8 million acres of U.S. cotton (i.e., (...)
February 12, 2019
Brazil's Investment in Cotton Continues to Grow as US Acres Also Set to Rise
June 21, 2019
China's cotton plantation stable this year: authority
September 7, 2018
Pakistan: Cotton and Products Update
Attaché Reports (GAIN) FAS Islamabad forecasts Pakistan’s MY 2018/19 (August to July) cotton production at 8.5 million 480 lb. bales, up 300,000 bales or 4 (...)
February 23, 2018
USDA forecasts for US 2018 crop sowings - in numbers
The US Department of Agriculture on February 22, at its annual Outlook Forum, unveiled long-awaited forecasts for domestic sowings of major crops for the 2018 (...)
November 29, 2019
Azerbaijan: Cotton-growing achieves new record in 2019
July 17, 2019
Pima Preference in California Cotton Acreage Increase
August 21, 2018
USDA Estimates Reduction In Indian Cotton Plantation For MY 2018/19
As per the latest update from United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Indias cotton area for MY 2018/19 is being forecasted at 11.8 million hectares, (...)
September 4, 2019
Brazil: Cotton and Products Update
Attaché Reports (GAIN)
November 8, 2019
INDIA: Cotton output for 2019-20 projected at 354.5 lakh bales

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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