Tag: Daily

Tag: Daily

August 29, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Higher on Slow Technical Trade
December cotton finished slightly higher Tuesday, even though specific trading information was scant. News that India’s monsoons are coming irregularly for the major cotton province (...)
September 25, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Lower in Listless Trade
February 15, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Settles Lower Across Board
May 24, 2019
DTN Cotton Close: Finishes Timidly Higher
By Keith Brown DTN Cotton Correspondent The cotton market finished moderately higher as its oversold condition, plus Thursday morning’s strong export-sales data, sent prices higher. (...)
May 11, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Mostly Lower as July Takes Biggest Loss
U.S. 2018-19 cotton production prospects show a 7% decline to 19.5 million bales. Exports forecast even with the 500,000-bale upward revision to 15.5 million for (...)
December 29, 2017
CHINA: Cotton market morning express (Dec 29, 2017)
January 2, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Futures Mixed as New Year’s Holiday Weekend Begins
April 1, 2019
DTN Cotton Close: Sharply Higher on Planting Intentions
By Keith Brown DTN Cotton Correspondent USDA bullishly upended the cotton market Friday with its lower-than-expected Prospective Planting report. The average industry guess was 14.50 (...)
September 5, 2018
DTN Cotton Close: Rally as Tropical Storm Moves Closer to Delta
December cotton rallied off its early lows to finish higher on the day as tropical storm Gordon is expected to reach hurricane status before landfall. (...)
April 25, 2019
DTN Cotton Close: Lower on Dollar, Deliveries

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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