August 13, 2019
Cotton Highlights from August WASDE Report
By Jim Steadman
The August 2019 World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report has been released by USDA. Here’s this month’s summary for cotton, (...)
September 15, 2017
BASF's Late Grab for Bayer Seed Assets Marks Strategy Shift
June 12, 2019
Cotton Highlights from June WASDE Report
August 16, 2019
Ημερήσια νέα Βαμβακιού 15/08/2019
Cotton futures hit 2-week high on solid U.S. export sales
Το χρηματιστήριο βάμβακος έκανε υψηλό δύο εβδομάδων την Πέμπτη, καταγράφοντας κέρδη για Τρίτη συνεχόμενη συνεδρίαση. (...)
September 23, 2017
Will China prevent a cotton price rout?
Which way now for cotton futures?
After trading sideways, with a slightly upward bias, for more than a week, New York's December contract found more (...)
February 26, 2018
Cotton prices to tumble in 2018-19, despite surge in Chinese imports
April 27, 2018
February 5, 2018
ICAC: Global Production Gains from Increased Planted Area
From the Secretariat
Consumption has been greater than production for the past two seasons. While both consumption and production are experiencing growth since the 2015/16 (...)
September 21, 2017
Με 15 νέα προϊόντα για τους αγρότες μέχρι το 2020 η Bayer CropScience
Με περίπου 1 δισ. ευρώ θα συνεχίσει η εταιρεία Bayer Cropscience να επενδύει στην καινοτομία και την ανάπτυξη αγρονομικών λύσεων ώστε οι αγρότες να έχουν (...)
May 13, 2019
Global Markets: Cotton – Record World Consumption Helps Lower Stocks