Cotton news

Cotton News

August 1, 2022
Türkiye textile sector eyes $1bn in US exports in 2022
The Istanbul Textile and Raw Materials Exporters Association (İTHİB) expects textile revenues for US-bound exports to go above US$1bn by the end of this year, according to reports.
July 29, 2022
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Flows Uphill With Outsides
July 29, 2022
Indian body may blacklist cotton suppliers after tough stance by ICA
July 29, 2022
Cotton:  Net sales reductions of 4,000 RB for 2021/2022--a marketing-year low--were down noticeably from the previous week and from the prior 4-week average.  Increases reported (...)
July 29, 2022
Turkmenistan cotton harvest 2021 used forced, child labour
Campaign groups are urging US and European governments to take steps to eliminate Turkmen cotton from supply chains entirely after it was found the 2021 cotton harvest engaged forced labour and child labour.
July 28, 2022
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Pares Gains Wednesday
July 28, 2022
Big cotton exporter India likely to turn into net importer soon
July 28, 2022
Beyond China: US' Xinjiang cotton ban has far-reaching implications, even for Asian alternatives
For garment manufacturers in South and Southeast Asia, a sweeping United States ban on all Xinjiang products - including cotton - may initially seem like (...)
July 27, 2022
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Sharply Up on Weather
Keith Brown DTN Contributing Cotton Analyst    The market was very strong Tuesday as the West Texas cotton crop continues to rapidly deteriorate under adverse (...)
July 26, 2022
DTN Closing Cotton: Cotton Seesaws, Awaits Condition Data, Fed

Greek premium cotton

with added value returned to the farmer


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