Cotton futures closed with most contracts up 4 to 25 points on Thursday. The outside factors were mixed on the day as the US dollar index was up 779 points, with crude oil $1.40/barrel higher.
The Seam reported 7,129 bales of online sales on December 31 at an average price of 51.61 cents/lb. ICE cotton stocks were unchanged on Tuesday, at 20,113 bales of certified stocks. The Cotlook A Index was down 50 points on 12/31 at 78.90 cents/lb. The USDA announced the cotton marketing assistance loan rate for 2025 is 52 cents
Mar 25 Cotton closed at 68.57, up 17 points,
May 25 Cotton closed at 69.73, up 24 points,
Jul 25 Cotton closed at 70.75, up 25 points