Enquiry Increase for Price Orientation
Even though the number of enquiries increased considerably in the medium as well as long staple range during the reported week, they hardly led to closed contracts but served for regularly recurring price determination in the first place. Contracts seem to have been closed only in case of existing orders and predominantly referred to near dates.
The following contracts were closed:
• In the medium staple range: Cotton from Central Asiawas ordered for prompt delivery as well as the 4th quarter 2012, West African descriptions for prompt up to the 1st quarter 2013. Turkishcotton was traded for the end of the 4th up to the 1st quarter 2013 andGreek for the 1st and 2nd quarter 2013.
• Long- and extra-long staple cotton: US Pima was sold for the 4th quarter 2012, US Acala rgd. for the 1st and 2nd quarter 2013. Moreover contracts were closed for Sudan Barakatfor the 4th quarter 2012 as well as the 1st and 2nd quarter 2013.