Slight Revival
In general, the market situation has not significantly changed during last week with regard to fundamental data. Uncertainties caused by the weather concerning the amount of crop to be expected during the next season as well as the constant restraint of the manufacturers remained predominant. Large global yarn stocks have continuously forced down demand as well as the spinners' willingness to go beyond a certain price level and buy ahead in the long term. At the end of last week short positions due to the First Notice Day led to rising prices for July. Prices for the next season yet registered a slight decrease arousing a temporary revival on the domestic market. In the long staple and extra long staple range purchases for near dates were observed primarily. All in all, a rather quiet market situation with sporadic enquiries dominated the reference week.
The following proveniences were traded in the medium staple range: West Africa cotton for near dates up to the 4th quarter 2011, Greek and Spanishdescriptions for the 4th quarter 2011 until the 2nd quarter 2012 and cotton fromIndia and Central Asia for the 3rd quarter 2011.
Prompt need in the LS/ELS-range was satisfied by Israel Pima, US Pima and Sudan Barakat.Egyptian Giza 86 was sold for near dates as well as the 4th quarter 2011.