Calm Market
After the difference between July and December futures had shrunk again, the New York cotton futures have lastly experienced a considerable stabilization. Price influencing factors like position adjustments of institutional investors and continuously perceptible limited availability of demanded qualities on the physical market seem to have balanced for the time being. Consequently the CIF Bremen index has increased moderately, too, coming close to its level of June 2013. The more firm quotations as well as the holiday led to a rather calm market business. Since the yarn market also did not send noteworthy impulses of demand, the spinning industry covered its current need just hesitantly. Contracts focused on medium staple qualities for near dates, sporadically up to the subsequent new crop..
Contracts were concluded for:
• Medium Staple Cotton:
From Argentina and Central Asia for prompt delivery. West Africa for prompt up to the 4th quarter 2014. Greece for the 2nd and East Africa for the 4th quarter 2014.
•Long- and Extra-Long Staple Cotton:
Israel Acalpi for prompt delivery.