From July 1 to August 5, 2020, the trading volumes of reserved cotton have reached 215,700 tons, with a transaction rate of 100%, accounting for 43% of the total planned selling volumes. Since the beginning of the auction of reserve cotton, the enthusiasm for purchasing reserved cotton has not diminished, and the purchase of textile enterprises and non-textile enterprises is different. This article analyzes the purchase of textile enterprises, trading prices, and the quality of reserved cotton, to make the transaction structure more clear. 1. Reserved cotton sales review From July 1 to August 5, 2020, the total trading volumes of reserved cotton has been 215,700 tons, with a transaction rate of 100%, accounting for 43% of the total planned selling volumes. Among them, sales of reserved Xinjiang cotton were 115,000 tons, with a proportion of 53.2%, and that of reserved upcountry cotton were 101,000 tons, accounting for 46.8%. The weighted average transaction price of reserve cotton was 11,559yuan/mt. Starting from July 21, the daily selling volumes of reserved cotton increased slightly to about 8,500 tons, and from August 4, the volumes increased again to about 9,000 tons. Since the beginning of the auction, the enthusiasm for purchasing the reserved cotton has not diminished, and the transaction rate has always been 100%. The high transaction rate has actually boosted market confidence. ![]() We have sorted out the specific situation of the purchase from textile enterprises and non-textile enterprises (the purchase of textile enterprises is directly by the spinning mills or it is clearly shown that the third partly is acting on behalf of the textile enterprises, and the purchase of non-textile enterprises is mainly from cotton traders). In the first four trading days, the proportion of purchasing volumes from textile enterprises reached above 60%, mostly for the replenishment with low cotton inventory. Later, proportion declined somewhat. According to traders, the sales of re-sold reserved cotton were unsmooth recently. From July 1 to July 31, the purchasing volumes of textile enterprises were 95,000 tons, accounting for 50.2% of the total transaction volume of 189,200 tons as of July 31, and that of non-textile enterprises was 49.8%. ![]() From the trading prices, average trading price of reserved cotton from non-textile enterprises was higher than that from textile enterprises. In July, the weighted average transaction price of textile enterprises was 11,492yuan/mt and that of non-textile enterprises was 11,606yuan/mt. ![]() 2. Reserved cotton quality In terms of the crop year and producing regions of reserved cotton, 2013/14 Xinjiang cotton and XPCC-origin cotton took the largest shares. Besides, textile enterprises were favorable to purchase 2013/14 Tianjin-origin cotton. From the perspective of color index, the proportion of 2012/13 yellow stained cotton accounted for the largest. From the perspective of length and strength, the textile enterprises mainly purchased reserved cotton with length 28mm and strength≥27gpt. 3. Top 10 textile enterprises and non-textile enterprises
From July 1 to August 5, 2020, the total trading volumes of reserved cotton has been 215,700 tons, with a transaction rate of 100%, accounting for 43% of the total planned selling volumes. Among them, sales of reserved Xinjiang cotton were 115,000 tons, with a proportion of 53.2%, and that of reserved upcountry cotton were 101,000 tons, accounting for 46.8%. The weighted average transaction price of reserve cotton was 11,559yuan/mt. From July 1 to July 31, the direct bidding volume of textile enterprises was 95,000 tons, accounting for 50.2% of the total transaction volume of 189,200 tons as of July 31, and the bidding ratio of non-textile enterprises was 49.8%. In July, the weighted average transaction price of textile enterprises was 11,492yuan/mt and that of non-textile enterprises was 11,606yuan/mt. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

China reserved cotton sales review
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