Cotton market sees moderately bullish adjustment
Cotton market sees moderately bullish adjustment

Cotton market sees moderately bullish adjustment

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USDA's December revisions of 2017/18 cotton supply and demand were both generally price supportive in their direction, although the resulting levels of ending stocks remain somewhat heavy.

John Robinson

The holidays are generally not known for tightening.  Wallets get lighter.  Beltlines get wider.  But the official forecasts of U.S. and world cotton ending stocks both got tighter. USDA's December revisions of 2017/18 cotton supply and demand were both generally price supportive in their direction, although the resulting levels of ending stocks remain somewhat heavy.

The world balance sheet was mainly adjusted by lowering supply. Foreign beginning stocks were reduced a little over a million bales, mainly in India where historical consumption was revised upward since the 2015 crop. Foreign production was also reduced over 1.5 million bales month-over-month due to changes in India (-500,000 bales), Pakistan (-950,000 bales), West Africa (-210,000 bales) plus a few other offsetting adjustments.

Πηγή: Delta Farmpress



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