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COTTON:  The U.S. cotton estimates for 2009/10 include

higher domestic mill use and lower ending stocks this month.

 Production and exports are unchanged.  Domestic mill use

is raised 100,000 bales to 3.5 million, reflecting higher

consumption in the months of November through January. 

Ending stocks are forecast at 3.2 million bales, 20.6 percent

of total use.  The range for the marketing-year average price

received by producers is raised 1.5 cents on the lower end

and 0.5 cents on the higher end to 60.5 to 65.5 cents per


A combination of slightly lower production and slightly higher

consumption is reducing forecast world cotton 2009/10

ending stocks from last month.  Production is reduced for

China and Uzbekistan, but raised for Brazil and

Turkmenistan.  Consumption estimates are raised for Turkey,

Vietnam, and the United States, partially offset by a

reduction for Pakistan, which is based on a recent policy

change to limit yarn exports.  World trade is raised 2

percent, reflecting higher imports by China, Turkey, and

Vietnam, which more than offset a decrease for Pakistan. 

World stocks are reduced nearly 700,000 bales, a decline of

just over 1 percent from last month.

World and U.S. Supply and Use for Cotton 1/

                                 Million 480-lb. bales


                      :           :   Total   :          :  Total   :  Ending

     Commodity        :   Output  :   Supply  : Trade 2/ :   Use    :  Stocks



                      :                         World

      2007/08         :    119.91     183.04      38.47      122.97     62.66

      2008/09 (Est.)  :    107.45     170.11      30.18      110.11     62.42

      2009/10 (Proj.) :

          February    :    102.74     165.16      33.77      115.53     52.08

             March    :    102.24     164.66      34.40      115.70     51.41

                      :                     United States

      2007/08         :     19.21      28.70      13.65        4.59     10.04

      2008/09 (Est.)  :     12.82      22.86      13.28        3.59      6.34

      2009/10 (Proj.) :

          February    :     12.40      18.74      12.00        3.40      3.30

             March    :     12.40      18.74      12.00        3.50      3.20

                      :                        Foreign 3/

      2007/08         :    100.70     154.34      24.82      118.38     52.61

      2008/09 (Est.)  :     94.64     147.25      16.90      106.52     56.08

      2009/10 (Proj.) :

          February    :     90.34     146.42      21.77      112.13     48.78

             March    :     89.84     145.92      22.40      112.20     48.21


1/ Marketing year beginning August 1.  2/ Based on export estimate.  3/  Total

Foreign is equal to world minus United States. See global cotton tables for

treatment of export/import imbalances.

                                 WASDE-480-17                    March 2010


                          U. S. Cotton Supply and Use 1/


                           :         :         :      2009/10  Projections

        Item               : 2007/08 : 2008/09 :===============================

                           :         :   Est.  :    February           March


                           :               Million acres

Area                       :                           

  Planted                  :  10.83       9.47          9.15            9.15

  Harvested                :  10.49       7.57          7.69            7.69


                           :                   Pounds

Yield per harvested        :

    acre                   :    879        813           774             774


                           :             Million 480 pound bales


Beginning stocks 2/        :   9.48      10.04          6.34            6.34

Production                 :  19.21      12.82         12.40           12.40

Imports                    :   0.01       0.00          0.01            0.01

  Supply, total            :  28.70      22.86         18.74           18.74

Domestic use               :   4.59       3.59          3.40            3.50

Exports                    :  13.65      13.28         12.00           12.00

  Use, total               :  18.24      16.86         15.40           15.50

Unaccounted 3/             :   0.41      -0.34          0.04            0.04

Ending stocks              :  10.04       6.34          3.30            3.20


Avg. farm price 4/         :   59.3       47.8     59.0-65.0       60.5-65.5


Note: Reliability calculations at end of report.

1/ Upland and extra-long staple; marketing year beginning August 1.  Totals may

not add due to rounding.  2/ Based on Bureau of Census data.  3/ Reflects the

difference between the previous season's supply less total use and ending

stocks based on Bureau of Census data.  4/ Cents per pound for upland cotton.


                                  WASDE-480-26                    March 2010

                          World Cotton Supply and Use 1/

                              (Million 480-pound bales)


                       :          Supply         :       Use      :      :

         Region        :=========================:================:

Loss : Ending


2/  : stocks

                       :  stocks : tion  :       :        :       :      :



                       :                      2007/08


World                 :   63.13  119.91    38.99  122.97    38.47  -2.06  62.66

United States         :    9.48   19.21     0.01    4.59    13.65   0.41  10.04

Total foreign         :   53.66  100.70    38.98  118.38    24.82  -2.47  52.61

   Major exporters 4/  :   19.90   46.47     1.56   28.18    21.11  -0.16  18.81

    Central Asia 5/    :    2.14    8.20     0.04    1.61     6.35   0.00   2.42

    Afr. Fr. Zone 6/   :    1.06    2.46       3/    0.19     2.66   0.00   0.67

    S. Hemis. 7/       :    7.96    9.72     0.53    6.00     4.09  -0.18   8.30

     Australia         :    1.18    0.64       3/    0.05     1.22  -0.05   0.60

    Brazil             :    5.41    7.36     0.16    4.60     2.23  -0.15   6.25

    India              :    7.66   24.00     0.60   18.60     7.03   0.00   6.63

   Major importers 8/  :   31.73   51.46    34.81   85.75     2.66  -2.31  31.91

    Mexico             :    1.03    0.62     1.53    2.00     0.22   0.03   0.93

    China              :   20.54   37.00    11.53   51.00     0.06  -2.50  20.50

    EU-27 9/           :    0.83    1.74     1.59    1.81     1.62   0.05   0.67

    Turkey             :    1.95    3.10     3.27    6.00     0.37   0.00   1.95

    Pakistan           :    4.88    8.90     3.91   12.00     0.27   0.03   5.39

    Indonesia          :    0.35    0.03     2.30    2.23     0.02   0.05   0.39

    Thailand           :    0.35    0.02     1.93    1.95     0.00   0.03   0.32

    Bangladesh         :    0.59    0.04     3.50    3.50     0.00   0.01   0.62

    Vietnam            :    0.22    0.03     1.21    1.20     0.00   0.00   0.25


                       :                 2008/09 (Estimated)


World                 :   62.66  107.45    30.01  110.11    30.18  -2.59  62.42

United States         :   10.04   12.82       3/    3.59    13.28  -0.34   6.34

Total foreign         :   52.61   94.64    30.01  106.52    16.90  -2.25  56.08

   Major exporters 4/  :   18.81   42.42     1.54   26.90    13.98  -0.19  22.08

    Central Asia 5/    :    2.42    7.12     0.01    1.60     4.45   0.00   3.49

    Afr. Fr. Zone 6/   :    0.67    2.41       3/    0.19     2.20   0.00   0.70

    S. Hemis. 7/       :    8.30    8.68     0.31    5.52     4.60  -0.20   7.38

     Australia         :    0.60    1.50       3/    0.05     1.20  -0.07   0.93

    Brazil             :    6.25    5.48     0.05    4.20     2.74  -0.15   4.99

    India              :    6.63   22.60     0.80   17.90     2.36   0.00   9.77

   Major importers 8/  :   31.91   49.54    26.00   75.39     1.88  -2.06  32.24

    Mexico             :    0.93    0.58     1.32    1.85     0.18   0.03   0.77

    China              :   20.50   36.70     7.00   44.00     0.08  -2.25  22.37

    EU-27 9/           :    0.67    1.24     0.96    1.14     1.01   0.05   0.66

    Turkey             :    1.95    1.93     2.89    5.00     0.14   0.00   1.63

    Pakistan           :    5.39    9.00     1.95   11.50     0.38   0.03   4.44

    Indonesia          :    0.39    0.03     2.00    2.00     0.02   0.05   0.35

    Thailand           :    0.32    0.02     1.60    1.60     0.00   0.03   0.30

    Bangladesh         :    0.62    0.04     3.80    3.75     0.00   0.01   0.70

    Vietnam            :    0.25    0.01     1.23    1.25     0.00   0.00   0.24


1/ Marketing year beginning August 1.   Totals may not add exactly and trade

may not balance due to rounding and other factors.   2/ Generally reflects

cotton lost or destroyed in the marketing channel; for Australia, Brazil,

China, and the United States, reflects the difference between implicit stocks

based on supply less total use and indicated ending stocks.  3/ Less than

5,000 bales.  4/ Includes Egypt and Syria in addition to the countries and

regions listed.  5/ Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan,

Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.  6/ Benin, Burkino Faso, Cameroon, Central

African Republic, Chad, Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo.  7/

Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Paraguay, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe.

8/ In addition to the countries and regions listed, includes Hong Kong, Japan,

Russia, South Korea, and Taiwan. 9/ Includes intra-EU trade.

                                  WASDE-480-27                    March 2010

                          World Cotton Supply and Use 1/

                              (Million 480-pound bales)


                       :          Supply         :       Use      :      :

         Region        :=========================:================:

Loss : Ending


2/  : stocks

                       :  stocks : tion  :       :        :       :      :



                       :                 2009/10 (Projected)

World                 :

         February      :   62.42  102.74    33.76  115.53    33.77  -2.46  52.08

            March      :   62.42  102.24    34.39  115.70    34.40  -2.46  51.41

United States         :

         February      :    6.34   12.40     0.01    3.40    12.00   0.04   3.30

            March      :    6.34   12.40     0.01    3.50    12.00   0.04   3.20

Total foreign         :

         February      :   56.08   90.34    33.76  112.13    21.77  -2.50  48.78

            March      :   56.08   89.84    34.38  112.20    22.40  -2.50  48.21

   Major exporters 4/  :

         February      :   22.08   42.81     1.36   28.21    18.74  -0.19  19.49

            March      :   22.08   42.81     1.36   28.21    19.14  -0.19  19.08

    Central Asia 5/Feb :    3.49    6.37     0.01    1.59     6.02   0.00   2.26

                   Mar :    3.49    6.17     0.01    1.59     5.92   0.00   2.16

    Afr. Fr. Zn. 6/Feb :    0.70    2.38       3/    0.19     2.26   0.00   0.64

                   Mar :    0.70    2.38       3/    0.19     2.26   0.00   0.64

    S. Hemis 7/    Feb :    7.38    9.14     0.35    5.51     4.49  -0.20   7.07

                   Mar :    7.38    9.34     0.35    5.51     4.59  -0.20   7.16

     Australia     Feb :    0.93    1.75       3/    0.04     1.70  -0.07   1.01

                   Mar :    0.93    1.75       3/    0.04     1.80  -0.07   0.91

    Brazil         Feb :    4.99    5.55     0.10    4.20     2.00  -0.15   4.59

                   Mar :    4.99    5.75     0.10    4.20     2.00  -0.15   4.79

    India          Feb :    9.77   23.50     0.60   19.20     5.70   0.00   8.97

                   Mar :    9.77   23.50     0.60   19.20     6.10   0.00   8.57

   Major importers 8/  :

         February      :   32.24   45.02    29.77   79.70     2.00  -2.31  27.64

            March      :   32.24   44.52    30.39   79.77     2.24  -2.31  27.46

    Mexico         Feb :    0.77    0.42     1.50    1.90     0.10   0.03   0.66

                   Mar :    0.77    0.42     1.50    1.90     0.10   0.03   0.67

    China          Feb :   22.37   32.00     9.00   47.50     0.08  -2.50  18.29

                   Mar :   22.37   31.50     9.50   47.50     0.08  -2.50  18.29

    EU-27 9/       Feb :    0.66    1.01     0.92    1.00     1.07   0.05   0.47

                   Mar :    0.66    1.01     0.92    1.00     1.07   0.05   0.47

    Turkey         Feb :    1.63    1.70     3.30    5.10     0.13   0.00   1.41

                   Mar :    1.63    1.70     3.50    5.30     0.15   0.00   1.38

    Pakistan       Feb :    4.44    9.80     2.75   12.00     0.50   0.03   4.46

                   Mar :    4.44    9.80     2.50   11.75     0.70   0.03   4.26

    Indonesia      Feb :    0.35    0.03     2.08    2.05     0.02   0.05   0.33

                   Mar :    0.35    0.03     2.08    2.05     0.02   0.05   0.33

    Thailand       Feb :    0.30    0.01     1.80    1.78     0.00   0.03   0.31

                   Mar :    0.30    0.01     1.80    1.78     0.01   0.03   0.30

    Bangladesh     Feb :    0.70    0.04     4.00    4.00     0.00   0.01   0.73

                   Mar :    0.70    0.04     4.00    4.00     0.00   0.01   0.73

    Vietnam        Feb :    0.24    0.01     1.35    1.35     0.00   0.00   0.25

                   Mar :    0.24    0.01     1.50    1.45     0.00   0.00   0.30


1/ Marketing year beginning August 1.   Totals may not add exactly and trade

may not balance due to rounding and other factors.   2/ Generally reflects

cotton lost or destroyed in the marketing channel; for Australia, Brazil, and

the United States, reflects the difference between implicit stocks based on

supply less total use and indicated ending stocks. 3/ Less than 5,000 bales.

4/ Includes Egypt and Syria in addition to the countries and regions listed.

5/ Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and

Uzbekistan.  6/ Benin, Burkino Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad,

Cote d'Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Senegal, and Togo.   7/ Argentina, Australia,

Brazil, Paraguay, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe.  8/ In addition to the

countries and regions listed, includes Hong Kong, Japan, Russia, South Korea,

and Taiwan. 9/ Includes intra-EU trade.


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