John Robinson is optimistic the impact of ChinaΆs cotton stockpiling has already peaked.
“Maybe the worst is over and itΆll get better from here,” he said.
Robinson, a cotton economist for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, told Plains Cotton Growers on Wednesday afternoon that when China sold 12 million bales from its stocks, that release didnΆt hurt prices the way heΆd worried it would.
“Amazingly, the market went up,” he said. “ThatΆs good — thatΆs a step toward resolving the problem of this thing hanging over the market.”
China was a heavy global cotton purchaser in 2011, 2012 and 2013, Robinson reminded his audience. Then, it slowed imports and began stockpiling millions of bales. That stored cotton made economists nervous — releasing that much cotton, as China would presumably have to do eventually, could create a surplus and lower global prices.
Robinson is not worry-free, but he is pleased prices havenΆt dropped yet.
“TheyΆll hopefully resume their place as a major importer,” he said. “I hope itΆs looking up from here.”
But what about the rest of the world? The U.S has taken part of the export market share to Pakistan that India stopped, Robinson said. And unfortunately for the U.S., Australia is producing some great-looking cotton.
“WeΆre gonna have some competition for our quality cotton, and thatΆs gonna affect our export market,” Robinson said.
But in the South Plains at least, domestic cotton isnΆt looking bad, either. Producers and ginners reported pleasing yields; a few with record harvests.
“ItΆs just an excellent year,” Sudan farmer Brent Nelson said. “I donΆt know where it came from, (but) weΆre looking for another one.”
An exception is in Dawson County. Shawn Holladay told his fellow growers that fields in his area suffered either hail damage or lack of rain.
“Where it rained, it hailed, and where it didnΆt hail, it didnΆt rain,” he said. “Our particular area wasnΆt good at all.”
Tom Sell, a local political activist with Combest, Sell &Associates, updated Plains Cotton Growers on Washington, D.C. Just over two months ago, heΆd been planning speeches encouraging conservative voters to stay positive after an expected disappointing Hillary Clinton victory.
“My, what a day Nov. 8 was,” he said. “It was an incredible election in that very few people were predicting the outcome — Mr. TrumpΆs victory.”
Sell pointed out the president-elect has only one cabinet position left to select — secretary of agriculture. If Trump does make that appointment before his inauguration, he said, an interim secretary will lead the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
But Sell does not anticipate that scenario.
“I expect a decision will be made in the coming days,” he said.