Hurricane Harvey may not have major impact on cotton trade

Hurricane Harvey may not have major impact on cotton trade

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This year, too, In­dia will re­main worldΆs top pro­ducer

Bales of freshly har­vested cot­ton lie in flood­wa­ters caused by Hur­ri­cane Har­vey near Sead­rift, Texas

Hur­ri­cane Har­vey trig­gered a short-term rally in cot­ton prices fol­low­ing fears of ex­ten­sive dam­age in the largest cot­ton-grow­ing re­gion of the US. As an im­me­di­ate fall­out of the bullish sen­ti­ment, cot­ton prices firmed up in re­cent trades in In­dia and in­ter­na­tion­ally.

How­ever, an­a­lysts main­tained that the dev­as­ta­tion caused by the hur­ri­cane may not hurt the world cot­ton trade, as ro­bust pro­duc­tion is ex­pected for 2017-18 glob­ally.

In­dian cot­ton in the spot mar­ket hov­ered around ₹42,300 per candy (of 356 kg), while in­ter­na­tion­ally, ICE Fu­tures for De­cem­ber con­tract hit 73 cents on Tuesday. On Au­gust 17, ICE De­cem­ber fu­tures had quoted 67.19 cents.

Cot­ton trade ex­perts main­tained that the hur­ri­cane, which wreaked havoc in the cot­ton belt of Texas,may pose a threat to the fi­bre qual­ity and hit pro­duc­tion.

The In­ter­na­tional Cot­ton Ad­vi­sory Com­mit­tee (ICAC), giv­ing out the lat­est global stock po­si­tion, stated that cot­ton pro­duc­tion in the US is fore­cast to in­crease by 20 per cent to 4.5 mil­lion tonnes. “How­ever, the full im­pact of the re­cent hur­ri­cane in Texas, where around 45 per cent of US pro­duc­tion oc­curs, is still un­der as­sess­ment,” it said pro­ject­ing 2017-18 world cot­ton out­put at 25.1 mil­lion tonnes.

In­dia will re­main the worldΆs largest cot­ton pro­ducer in 2017-18, with a 4 per cent in­crease in out­put at 6 mil­lion tonnes. In China, too, pro­duc­tion is ex­pected to rise by 7 per cent to 5.2 mil­lion tonnes. Pak­istanΆs cot­ton pro­duc­tion is pro­jected to in­crease by 17 per cent to 2 mil­lion tonnes, ICAC stated.

On the In­dian cot­ton sce­nario, Nayan Mi­rani, a cot­ton ex­pert, stated that the US cli­matic even­tu­al­i­ties will have a tem­po­rary im­pact on the cot­ton mar­ket.

“The hur­ri­cane im­pact will not be much as the US ex­pects large crop this year. Also, other coun­tries, in­clud­ing In­dia, ex­pect a good harvest thanks to good rains. As of now there is no ma­jor pick-up in de­mand, hence we donΆt see any sharp re­flec­tion of cli­matic ad­ver­si­ties on the cot­ton prices,” said Mi­rani, adding that the prices will re­main range­bound as In­dia ex­pects new cot­ton crop to start ar­riv­ing from Oc­to­ber.

Arun Dalal, a sec­tor ex­pert and mar­ket an­a­lyst, said cot­ton was ex­pe­ri­enc­ing short-term rally as a fall­out of Har­vey. “But the longterm out­look seems bear­ish from the cur­rent level as we ex­pect ro­bust crop on good mon­soon. As the ar­rivals would be­gin in Oc­to­ber, we ex­pect prices to sta­bilise around ₹ 38,000 per candy in the spot mar­ket,” said Dalal.


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