By: Dr. Seshadri Ramkumar
Bilateral collaboration and technical exchanges between the United States and India in technical textiles are planned as part of a recently-announced strategic and commercial cooperation between the countries.
As part of the first United States-India Strategic and Commercial Dialogue, held September 22 in Washington DC, both countries agreed to cooperate in the field of technical textiles, among many other initiatives.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and U.S. Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker welcomed India’s External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Nirmala Sitharaman for the commercial dialogue. During this summit, strategic initiatives between the two countries in the field of technical textiles were agreed upon:
- The U.S. and India will help with exchanges between U.S. academia and Centers of Excellence in technical textiles in India. The Indian government has established eight centers for growing the field of technical textiles.
- The two countries will participate in trade expositions related to technical textiles such as Technotex expo, sponsored by the Government of India.
- Both countries will collaborate in standards development for technical textiles products.
- Address barriers towards technical textile exports between the two countries.
According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, there are over 2 million annual visits between the two countries that showcase strong bilateral cooperation.