Released August 15, 2016, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Cotton Setting Bolls - Selected States [These 15 States planted 99% of the 2015 cotton acreage] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Week ending : :-----------------------------------------: State : August 14, : August 7, : August 14, : 2011-2015 : 2015 : 2016 : 2016 : Average ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : percent : Alabama ........: 94 88 91 85 Arizona ........: 91 88 91 93 Arkansas .......: 98 99 100 99 California .....: 96 77 78 93 Georgia ........: 92 86 93 89 Kansas .........: 49 29 38 51 Louisiana ......: 96 95 97 98 Mississippi ....: 90 85 88 91 Missouri .......: 64 42 56 83 North Carolina .: 87 83 89 91 Oklahoma .......: 66 44 51 59 South Carolina .: 96 80 87 82 Tennessee ......: 77 80 91 84 Texas ..........: 60 62 88 79 Virginia .......: 83 64 87 88 : 15 States ......: 72 70 88 83 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cotton Bolls Opening - Selected States [These 15 States planted 99% of the 2015 cotton acreage] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Week ending : :-----------------------------------------: State : August 14, : August 7, : August 14, : 2011-2015 : 2015 : 2016 : 2016 : Average ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : percent : Alabama ........: 12 1 8 5 Arizona ........: 32 23 33 34 Arkansas .......: 11 7 11 8 California .....: 1 - - 7 Georgia ........: 5 1 10 5 Kansas .........: 1 - - 3 Louisiana ......: 15 20 34 25 Mississippi ....: 16 6 13 7 Missouri .......: - - - 3 North Carolina .: 5 2 7 4 Oklahoma .......: 1 - 1 1 South Carolina .: - - 1 2 Tennessee ......: 3 1 5 2 Texas ..........: 10 13 15 13 Virginia .......: 4 - - 2 : 15 States ......: 9 9 12 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Represents zero. Cotton Condition - Selected States: Week Ending August 14, 2016 [National crop conditions for selected States are weighted based on 2015 planted acreage] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- State : Very poor : Poor : Fair : Good : Excellent ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- : percent : Alabama ........: 2 5 43 42 8 Arizona ........: 4 - 5 51 40 Arkansas .......: 6 5 14 43 32 California .....: - 5 30 30 35 Georgia ........: 3 9 29 48 11 Kansas .........: 1 2 33 62 2 Louisiana ......: - 5 24 66 5 Mississippi ....: 2 8 33 41 16 Missouri .......: 2 8 46 39 5 North Carolina .: 3 8 24 57 8 Oklahoma .......: - - 46 47 7 South Carolina .: - 1 55 39 5 Tennessee ......: 1 3 19 56 21 Texas ..........: 4 21 36 34 5 Virginia .......: - 4 13 82 1 : 15 States ......: 3 15 34 40 8 : Previous week ..: 3 13 36 40 8 Previous year ..: 1 8 36 45 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Represents zero.