USDA: Crop Progress

USDA: Crop Progress

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Released August 18, 2014, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service 
(NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of 
Agriculture (USDA).
Cotton Setting Bolls - Selected States
[These 15 States planted 98% of the 2013 cotton acreage]
                :               Week ending               :             
      State     : August 17,  : August 10,  : August 17,  :  2009-2013  
                :    2013     :    2014     :    2014     :   Average   
                :                        percent                        
Alabama ........:      92           81             92            83     
Arizona ........:      95           90            100            93     
Arkansas .......:     100           97             99           100     
California .....:      94           98            100            91     
Georgia ........:      79           93             98            91     
Kansas .........:      43           28             38            69     
Louisiana ......:      99           96             97            99     
Mississippi ....:      89           85             90            97     
Missouri .......:      85           83             87            93     
North Carolina .:      91           90             93            95     
Oklahoma .......:      68           75             88            66     
South Carolina .:      67           92             94            77     
Tennessee ......:      81           82             89            93     
Texas ..........:      81           78             83            86     
Virginia .......:      97           84             95            89     
15 States ......:      83           83             88            88     

Cotton Bolls Opening - Selected States
[These 15 States planted 98% of the 2013 cotton acreage]
                :               Week ending               :             
      State     : August 17,  : August 10,  : August 17,  :  2009-2013  
                :    2013     :    2014     :    2014     :   Average   
                :                        percent                        
Alabama ........:      1             1             4             8      
Arizona ........:     33            30            40            35      
Arkansas .......:      4             2             6            12      
California .....:      9            15            17             8      
Georgia ........:      2             -             9             9      
Kansas .........:      1             2             6             4      
Louisiana ......:     24            11            17            37      
Mississippi ....:      -             3             5            13      
Missouri .......:      -             -             1             5      
North Carolina .:      1             2             5             6      
Oklahoma .......:      3             -             1             2      
South Carolina .:      -             -             -             3      
Tennessee ......:      -             2             8             4      
Texas ..........:     12            11            16            15      
Virginia .......:      2             -             2             6      
15 States ......:      8             7            12            12      
-  Represents zero.                                                     

Cotton Condition - Selected States: Week Ending August 17, 2014
[National crop conditions for selected States are weighted based on 2013
planted acreage]
      State     : Very poor :   Poor    :   Fair    :   Good    : Excellent 
                :                          percent                          
Alabama ........:     -           7          37          51           5     
Arizona ........:     -           -           9          50          41     
Arkansas .......:     2           5          23          46          24     
California .....:     -           -          15          20          65     
Georgia ........:     1          10          30          47          12     
Kansas .........:     1           5          36          51           7     
Louisiana ......:     -           1           7          65          27     
Mississippi ....:     -           2          26          57          15     
Missouri .......:     -           3          37          56           4     
North Carolina .:     -           4          23          59          14     
Oklahoma .......:     1           5          34          57           3     
South Carolina .:     -           4          21          65          10     
Tennessee ......:     1           6          24          56          13     
Texas ..........:     7          17          41          28           7     
Virginia .......:     -           -           1          95           4     
15 States ......:     4          12          34          39          11     
Previous week ..:     3          11          34          41          11     
Previous year ..:     9          14          31          37           9     
-  Represents zero.                                                         

Peanuts Pegging - Selected States
[These 8 States planted 96% of the 2013 peanut acreage]

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