Released November 9, 2015, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Cotton Harvested - Selected States [These 15 States harvested 99% of the 2014 cotton acreage] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : Week ending : :-----------------------------------------: State : November 8, : November 1, : November 8, : 2010-2014 : 2014 : 2015 : 2015 : Average ------------------------------------------------------------------------ : percent : Alabama ........: 75 66 68 68 Arizona ........: 49 40 50 47 Arkansas .......: 90 86 89 93 California .....: 89 75 91 78 Georgia ........: 72 43 47 62 Kansas .........: 20 20 33 39 Louisiana ......: 97 96 97 99 Mississippi ....: 91 87 89 95 Missouri .......: 70 72 76 81 North Carolina .: 63 48 53 62 Oklahoma .......: 40 39 47 51 South Carolina .: 76 42 46 63 Tennessee ......: 59 60 68 73 Texas ..........: 40 40 53 56 Virginia .......: 58 51 65 68 : 15 States ......: 60 50 58 65