Βιωσιμότητα - Περιβάλλον

Βιωσιμότητα - Περιβάλλον

2 Ιουνίου 2021
Is Carbon the ‘Crop’ of the Future?
By Paul SchattenbergAn increasing awareness and concern about the environment, changes in government policy, America’s re-entry into the Paris Agreement and a robust demand for carbon (...)
27 Μαΐου 2021
Fashion CEOs set sustainable priorities as gaps between goals and action remain
21 Μαΐου 2021
Artistic Milliners, Retraced, Join Forces for Farm-to-Fashion Cotton Traceability
19 Μαΐου 2021
BASF program supports sustainably grown cotton
New fund provides monetary support and long-term commitment to farmers sustainably growing cotton
18 Μαΐου 2021
OCA sets guidelines to prevent GMO contamination in organic cotton
The Organic Cotton Accelerator (OCA) has released the Non-GM Cottonseed Production Guidelines to safeguard the integrity of the entire Indian organic cotton value chain from (...)
15 Μαΐου 2021
Conservation management offers benefits
6 Μαΐου 2021
Cone Denim to Produce Nearly 3 Million Pounds of Organic Cotton
22 Απριλίου 2021
Wrangler® Unveils Global Sustainability Platform: WeCare Wrangler
Τhe platform reaffirms the Wrangler brand’s commitment to sustainability and coincides with the launch of a new eco-friendly green jean offering
21 Απριλίου 2021
Cotton made in Africa partners with African Cotton Foundation
The Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) has announced that it will join forces with African Cotton Foundation (ACF) to promote socially and ecologically sustainable cotton (...)
8 Απριλίου 2021
U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol Joins Sustainable Apparel Coalition

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