Tag: Area

Tag: Area

26 Φεβρουαρίου 2020
USDA: Early Projections Show 12.5 Million U.S. Cotton Acres in 2020
By Jim Steadman USDA’s early projection for 2020 U.S. cotton planted acreage is 12.5 million acres – 9% below 2019 and the smallest area since 2016.Those (...)
22 Ιανουαρίου 2020
Uncertainty shades cotton outlook into 2020
15 Ιουλίου 2020
Low Indian cotton prices, weak demand and increased sowing worry traders, industry
14 Μαρτίου 2020
Brazil cotton area inches higher with Mato Grosso farmers planting more
SAO PAULO, March 13 (Reuters) - Brazilian cotton farmers have finished sowing their crop on 1.619 million hectares (4 million acres), marking a 0.05% increase from last (...)
4 Απριλίου 2020
India: Cotton and Products Annual
Attaché Reports (GAIN)
30 Ιανουαρίου 2021
U.S. Cotton Output Undercut by Rally in Grains
26 Ιουνίου 2020
INDIA: Punjab has cotton on 5L hectares this season, highest in a decade
12 Μαΐου 2021
Σπορές βάµβακος υπό ευνοϊκές καιρικές συνθήκες
Το βαµβάκι κινείται υποτονικά και δείχνει να αναµένει νέες ειδήσεις.
26 Φεβρουαρίου 2020
Australian Farmers Plant Smallest Cotton Area Since 1979 After Driest Year Ever
Ainslie Chandler (Bloomberg) -- After minimal rainfall last year, the McVeigh family in Queensland, Australia, planted just one paddock of cotton on their parched property this (...)
26 Αυγούστου 2020
California cotton acreage down significantly

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