Cotton news

Νέα Βαμβακιού

24 Απριλίου 2014
DTN Cotton Close: Settles in Red Beyond May Contract
December eased 13 ticks from its high close for the move. Light May delivery notices expected. Weekly export sales-shipments report eyed. Cotton futures finished in (...)
24 Απριλίου 2014
Bremen Cotton Market
24 Απριλίου 2014
Η πορεία της ευρωπαϊκής βιομηχανίας ένδυσης - κλωστοϋφαντουργίας το 2013
23 Απριλίου 2014
ICE cotton hits 4-week high on short-covering, mill buying
* Prices rally as May contract heads into delivery period * ICE stocks climb to highest levels since late July * U.S. farmers behind prior (...)
23 Απριλίου 2014
DTN Cotton Close: Strong Old-Crop Gains
December closed on highest finish since June. Adverse seasonal conditions expected to reduce AustraliaΆs cotton production and exports in 2014-15. Export prices forecast to decline (...)
23 Απριλίου 2014
Προβληματικές σπορές, αλλά καλές τιμές στο βαμβάκι
22 Απριλίου 2014
DTN Cotton Close: Settles Lower in Most Contracts
22 Απριλίου 2014
Doane Cotton Close: Quiet, Low Volume Day
An unusually quiet, low volume trading day. Weekend rains in Texas fell short of forecasts in both coverage and amounts. There are a little better (...)
22 Απριλίου 2014
USDA: Crop Progress
Released April 21, 2014, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Cotton Planted - Selected States (...)
22 Απριλίου 2014
COTTON SPIN: Recent influence of fund sector on cotton prices

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