7 Ιουλίου 2016
'Era of high ag prices quite likely over' - OECD, UN
The period of high ag commodity prices is "quite likely over", sapped by a slowdown in population growth, the OECD and United Nations said - (...)
6 Ιουλίου 2016
DTN Cotton Close: Market Fights Through Outside Pressure
6 Ιουλίου 2016
USDA: Crop Progress
6 Ιουλίου 2016
COTTON OUTLOOK: June 2016 Market Summary
International cotton prices moved higher during June, influenced by upward movements in New York and strengthening ‘basis’ levels relative to that market. The A Index (...)
6 Ιουλίου 2016
NCC leaders share information on competitiveness in China visit
Leaders from the National Cotton Council visited cotton industry officials in China to share information about cotton and gain a better understanding of the textile (...)
6 Ιουλίου 2016
CottonΆs market decline? Blame yoga pants
6 Ιουλίου 2016
EU Trade Surge in Technical Textiles and Clothing Goods
6 Ιουλίου 2016
Δοκιμάζει τα υψηλά στο χρηματιστήριο το βαμβάκι
Παροδική ήταν η πίεση στην αγορά λόγω Brexit. Οι τιµές για δύο συνεδριάσεις έφτασαν τα 64 σεντς ανά λίµπρα και κατόπιν ανέκαµψαν θυµίζοντας πως το (...)
4 Ιουλίου 2016
Cleveland on Cotton: Brexit – ΅Much ado about NothingΆ When it Comes to the Market
By O.A. Cleveland, Marketing Analyst, Misssissippi State University
The cotton market experienced a very fun and exciting week as trading focused on strong fundamentals factors, (...)
4 Ιουλίου 2016
Shurley on Cotton: Surprising Acreage Numbers Could Challenge Range-Bound Prices